Alright I know my mother posted something about the gathering a little while back but now its my turn. I have a contest for everyone including her. When you were little you were always told stories of how everything originated. Well I would like to hear them. between the time of the gathering and now either email me a copy or bring a typed copy of a story. The story must obviously be about halloween and it has to be emailed or given to me by the time of the gathering. Even if you just make up a story it is always good to see what others can come up with. Wether it be about how pumpkin carving came about or how trick or treating came to be. If you complete this task i will give you a little something at the gathering. (wonder what it could be) you'll just have to wait and find out. If you are going to bring a copy to the party email me and let me know so that I have a count on how many people want to enter this contest. everyone who enters gets something but we will vote for a winner who will get the GRAND PRIZE! So have fun!
Wow. I'm gone a week and the blog explodes with conversation...
Do you have any rules for this contest or guidelines on how to judge the winners?---Fox-fyr
Headline should read: 'Future English Teacher Wants Essay'. Oh the diabolical things we could come up with!
We are going to vote by a raise of hands at the gathering on the winner. seeing as we are going to be outside. as to rules there are really none. please just some with a story that is not to long. just make sure people can read it in a shortish period of time. In other words just dont write a book of a story.
Do I HAVE to type it out? Can't I just make it up as I go along? Are you planning on doing something with the pages? You just LOVE to make extra work for me, don't you, little monkey? Good idea! This will be more fun than ghost stories and less scary!
all enrties to this contest MUST be typed up or emailed to me. like i said rsvp me if you are going to email it to me. the reason as to why the stories must be hard copies will be revealed at the gathering.
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