Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Anniversary Adventure

As some of you may have heard, there are some new WOM clues floating about.
Following the lead of those before me, like Lnd-Crzr, I have released a new series to commemorate my first year of LBing along with surpassing 50 plants. Since I put a lot of extra work into these boxes, I will not be listing them, so this may be the only electronic record of their existence.

Currently I only have 5 clues, but do plan to make more soon. I have handed out four of them but the fifth is still up for grabs. If anyone has a free day and feels up for some adventure, let me know and I will make sure you get a clue. Be prepared to hike one of Mid-MO's toughest trails and to use your logic and creativity to tackle a different sort of cipher both at home and on the trail. I hope you guys enjoy them.


1 comment:

Monkey Mom said...

I'm looking forward to this!