Thank you all for a very successful Gathering. If you attended and did not get a thank-you e-mail from me or if I forgot to thank someone, please let me know.
We had 45 people in attendance, 26 boxes on the trails (including the Sorting Hat and all four bonus boxes) and at least 2 Hidden-in-Plain-Sight boxes at the Pavilion. Seventeen of the boxes will remain at Binder Park so if you mised the Gathering, you will still have plenty to hunt for (as always, keep your eyes open for bonus boxes). I will post the clues shortly on LBNA and AQ. Incredibily, a few stalwart letterboxers did find all 26 before they caught the train home. I loved the look on ahistory's face when he finally realized what the B-Hunters meant by their bonus clue of "the fox's flying purple topper." And some of you were wondering why I was wearing that crazy purple dragon hat all weekend.
The cold air Saturday morning finally warmed up to a sunny afternoon. And the weather on Sunday was perfect. Lovely trails (my favorites were the waterfall by Norbert the Dragon and the huge tree by the Whomping Willow). Good food (thanks for the morels, Ahistory; I hear I also should have tried the apples, C2B2; loved the M&Ms by the Outdoor Girls; and the deviled eggs were delicious). Lots of excellent letterboxers. I wish I had had more time to sit and meet with some of you, especially the newer folks. but I hope you all had a grand time...I did, especially once I had all the clues finally set out and could just enjoy the day.
The hayride was spectacular. Thirty minutes on the wagon on the way, with views of deer and turkey, a bonfire--thanks for the marshmallos and S'mores-- and the kids climbing trees, and a nice view of the night sky on the way back with another 30-minute ride.
If anyone has pictures, please send me copies.
Please also thank Jefferson CityParks and Recreation for co-sponsoring the event as it would not have been possible without their support. My contact there is Mike Bollinger and his e-mail is