Thursday, February 22, 2007

Road Trip Anyone?

I love LBing but prefer to go with someone for lots of different reasons, besides the obvious. I am on vacation March 25-April 1st. I am proposing a road trip to Marshall, MO to find "Jim, the Wonder Dog". I have not made any plans for the week yet so I am free to go almost any of those days. I will drive. I just need someone to ride shotgun. Interested? My car will hold five comfortably. Drive time is about one hour each way. Maybe there are even other boxes in the area we could hit also. We could make a day of it or just try to find "Jim". Either way I am open to possibilities! E mail me if you would like to take this jaunt with me!


Grace to You said...

I'd like to e-mail you but I don't have your e-addy...will you drop me a line at and let me write you back? Thanks -

Fox-fyr said...

A road trip sounds like fun but, PERSONALLY, I will be working during the week and dancing all weekend so no TRAVELing foR me.

Monkey Mom said...

Is there a dance that Friday? Maybe I could TRAVEL to see you PERSONALly!