Monday, August 28, 2006


I'm gearing up for our first weekend of letterboxing in the Columbia this weekend. There are so many on LbNA that its a little daunting. Any suggestions for where to start? Which boxes are your favorites? I also need maybe 3 or 4 on campus boxes to do between classes Friday. Thanks for any help, and see you on the trails!


Fox-fyr said...

I will see about coming up with a nice summary of Mid-Mo LBs (without giving away any spoilers), as I'm sure other people would like to know the same thing.
For right now, some quick advice: 1) get an orienteering compass if you don't already have one. It's the kind that shows actual degrees not just North-east-south-west. Many clues require some compass work.
2) Learn how to solve basic ciphers. Not all boxes use encryption, bu those that do often disguise the starting location of the box. The most commonly used ones are Key Word Shift Ciphers (see Lnd-Crzr's "Will Work For Peace" box for an excellent explanation), anagrams (scrambled words), Caesar Codes (See Lnd-Crzr's "Runaway Bunny: FB I"), and simple letter substitution (see my Poison Ivy Nemesis). More complicated ones include Twisted PathCiphers, Rail FenceCiphers (see my Five Star Drink Series)and Playfair Ciphers (see my Foxhunt box).
3) Some boxes use riddles that either require the letterboxer to already know either the history, name or description of a certain area or reference item (such as TouchTrek's "Oracle" and "Promenade" boxes) or to so some research with the internet and other sources (as with Lnd-Crzr's Favorite Book series which are best solved after reading the books referred to in the clue).
4)Some easy, fairly straight- forward boxes to start with are "Capen" by Lnd-Crzr, "Shelter Gardens" by Grace to You, and "Buried Jewells" by C2B2. The "Rocking and Crocking" series by C2B2 combines fairly easyclues, with a unique approach to the boxes and is not far from campus.

As it is way past my bedtime, more later.--Fox-fyr

ahistory said...

Rachel I am pretty new to LB, but a good one on campus that I have been meaning to try is the getting to know you micro placed by oldprospector. The tricky part is being discreet now with all the student traffic around campus.

Also, if you're up to some decyphering and can figure out the clues for the Wallace and Gromit Lost in rock Bridge Series you might want to try it out.

I did all three clusters (cept the bonus box) 2 weekends ago and it was a good time. Took a good 4 hours to complete it all, but you could break it down into 3 1-hour excursions. It is a good one to practice compass skills and it lets you get to know one of the best state parks around. Rock Bridge is a short 10-15 minute drive from campus so it's not too far.

Clyde Bentley said...

Higher Ed is on campus and Architect's Series No. 1 is on Stephens. Find Oracle if you can. Alley Cat will take you for a walk, which is what Promenade is all about. And then there is that Mid Mo box.

But then there is that new C2B2 camo box...