Grace to You and I headed out today, She seriously wants ALL of our local stamps before she moves. This seems to be quite an undertaking as new boxes pop up almost daily. We think we might be up for the challenge though. We perused our clues. Rain was in the forecast. Our junior boxer was going to need a nap so we had to end it early or factor that in. We pointed the car north and headed to Macon. We figured that the boy could sleep on the way home. That was about the only thing that went as planned.
While we didn't have personalized plates or pagan stickers we still felt like we stuck out. I can't tell you how many times I tied my shoes today! Good thing I wore the ones with laces. The first box was somewhat of a challenge. Even though part of the clue went right over my head we were able to find it. Another excellent reason to print two sets of clues so both can read! We experienced the same phenomenon that Fox-fyr did of people appearing out of thin air at the moment we were replacing the box. Unbelievable! They were everywhere. Box two stumped us completely. We really thought we had it but kept coming up empty. The next time you see one of us ask about the evergreen escapade. Eyes were everywhere. A police car drove by slowly checking us out and then we were really nervous.
We made it through the rest of the series without drawing attention. (We hope) Finally...the Bonus. After reading Fox-fyr's post, we approached with trepidation. Victory! And what a bonus! We were fortunate enough to meet the local crew in Macon. Very friendly, enthusiastic people. They seem to be creative in all manners as we found through our discussion. Our biggest regret was that we did not have more time to spend with them. They were all fairly new boxers and treated us like Rock Star/ Celebrities. It's been a while since I felt that cool!
I must say for both of us that this is a series well worth the drive. We spent the better part of the day there. The minutes flew by. It was wonderful set of boxes with very well written clues that made our day most enjoyable. We were flushed with success on the ride home. We also had a number of great A-HA moments. To me this is one of the best parts of letterboxing. It makes me feel part pirate, part spy and all warm and fuzzy inside! Find the time before Team Gingko leaves the area if you can. You won't be sorry!
Thanks for the tales of advneture. Did you manage to find their entire series downtown?
AHistory and I made the jaunt north, but went just a few days before they posted clues to the downtown series. Drat!
We got 'em all! We wondered when we saw you stamped into "Happy Birthday Mr Kat" but none of the others. It was a lot of fun. I think the best thing about urban boxing is the lack of ticks!
One of the funniest things that McMonkey Mom left out of her tale was how she waved to the police officer driving by staring at us. I figured he'd be on our tail the rest of the time we were in his town. :)
McMonkey Mom is truly a rock-star letterboxer, in every sense of the word...I was ready to give up after finding 2 boxes, content to be stumped by very clever clues (and having so much fun that finding the boxes almost seemed secondary), but she persevered and in a couple of cases, went right to the box in spite of the clues, using the sixth sense she's developed for spying out likely hiding spots. It is mostly to her credit that we completed this quest and enjoyed what has to be one of the best letterboxing days in the history of LBing. :)
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