Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Rollin' For the River

Just wondering if anyone is planning on doing the Rollin' for the River bike ride on Saturday, June 16? I don't have any letterboxing in mind, but am planning on riding and thought it would be fun to look for or ride with some of you other LBers/bicyclists. More info on this ride can be found at It sounds like a fun (and worthwhile) event. If you're not riding but would like to support the Missouri River Communties Network, I'd be happy for sponsors!


mamakopp said...

Jenny I will be there! I will look for you and you can ride with us.
I'll be on my Surly:)

Jenny said...

Hooray! I'm excited - I'll finally get to see what a Surly looks like! Been riding nearly all my life but am not at all in the loop when it comes to the newer bike styles.

See you on Saturday!